The worst advice you can hear about MBA

“Just complete your MBA and you’ll be set.”

Many people today wish to pursue MBA after Bachelors to get a management position at a firm or to apply for a job promotion in the firm they are currently working at. An MBA has more value than a normal Bachelors degree, no doubt about that, but how you got the MBA and how much did you learn are the things that eventually matter.

Most students don’t know what they want to do in their career, they are just drifting around, jumping on the next shiny thing that comes by, and for many people, that’s an MBA. Although many are promised a huge raise in salary or even a promotion, the quality of your MBA and the knowledge that you gained from the course will eventually play the deciding role, whether you are useful as an MBA or not.

“MBA will get you a good job.”

Though the sentence is true for the most part, the response it brings out in students is that MBA is a golden ticket for them to cover the fact that they have no practical experience regarding their specialty and that they have never set foot in the real-world and applied their knowledge.

Practical experience is a crucial part of an MBA, no matter what you are specializing in. That is why at GCEC we have integrated Practical experience in the curriculum. 40% marks are allotted to the practical experience that you gain during the semester, another 40% for the practicals, assignments, and projects that you completed and the rest 20% are allotted to the exams for every semester

Practical experience is something that you can gain only after getting out and applying what you learned in the classrooms out into the real world and not just cramming everything that you’re being taught in the classroom so that one day you can crack an exam to become an MBA (without any practical knowledge).

“MBAs are good only in the top colleges like IIMs”

Many people would say that if you want to have a great career after an MBA, you have to get into the top colleges for MBA, but what if for some reason you cannot go to any of the top colleges, what should you do?

Well, you can understand the structure of MBAs in top college and apply them to your curriculum at your own level. For example, the top colleges are big on industrial exposures and extra-curricular activities to develop the acumen of their students. You can apply for an internship under someone who is experienced in the field that you want to work in, i.e. you have to work under someone who has the job experience that you want to gain.

This way, you’ll be able to keep a close eye on the responsibilities that you will have to take in the Future as an MBA in the job your liking and will also help you to develop the necessary practical skills that you will need to work for a big company.

Key Takeaways

  1. MBA is great for your career if you want to get a management position at your company or apply for higher positions in your field.
  2. An MBA without practical knowledge of how to apply what you’ve learned is useless.
  3. Even if you’re not in a top college, you can make the most of your MBA by gaining work experience in the field that you want to work in.

Know more about MBA in International Finance at GCEC

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