Myths and Reality related to MBA

Doing an MBA gains popularity over the years. MBA is the most famous post-graduation degree among the students. India is a country where myths are common. In other words, people blindly follow others just like orthodox. But before pursuing any course we should know the difference between and reality. Below are mentioned all the biggest facts about Myths and Reality related to MBA.

Why should one choose an MBA as a career option –


The reality of the MBA: Why to pursue an MBA

Myth: 99% of people pursue an MBA because others did and succeeded. Hence, the mind says if they got success why can’t I? Moreover, the highest salary is offered after doing an MBA.

Reality: An MBA is a course that is multiskilled and offers different skills in different fields. Doing an MBA is great as it offers a wide scope. The degree also helps the student to come out of their comfort zones and try something new.


The reality of the MBA: The Course itself

Myth: The following degree limits the career path to finance, Human resource department, International Business, and Marketing. Some students have the misconception that only those who can pursue an MBA, have done an undergraduate in the business or finance field.

Reality: MBA degree offers great flexibility. The degree does not only teach former education but also enhance personal growth. The following course is not just a degree but it is designed keeping in mind different fields. Hence, it focuses on teaching different things not merely depending on one or two fields.


The reality of the MBA: The B Schools in India

Myth: The education system of India’s B school is orthodox and their degrees are also not valid in other countries.

Reality: In India, B school has taken on changes to provide practical knowledge as well. So knowledge is not merely based on theory. Moreover, MBA focuses on finding innovations and new methodologies to learn. Some B schools also provide internship opportunities along with studies to have a better understanding of how things work.


The reality of the MBA: The demand for MBA Professionals

Myth: There is more supply as compared to demand. The demand for MBA is declining due to the number of students doing an MBA.

Reality: Doesn’t matter the type of industry. In each industry, surely, there would be a requirement for good managers to manage things. MBA is a versatile degree that taught different skills such as leadership, SEO, etc. It is also true most people choose an MBA as a profession. But what makes you different is your skills, capabilities, etc.


Overall MBA is a great career option with a wider scope. It also helps to find out your interest field as it does not merely depend on one or two skills. However, you should make your decision about pursuing this course only after knowing all the Facts about Myths and Reality related to MBA.

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